• Are you an enthusiastic individual with a strong background in molecular or cell biology thinking about a PhD or Postdoc role? If that's you, we'd love to welcome you aboard! Our commitment to diversity and multidisciplinary teamwork creates a dynamic and inclusive atmosphere.

    Funding opportunities are always changing, offering various paths to explore together. If you don't spot any current openings that match your profile, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you're keen on being part of our team.

  • At the Kohler Proteostasis lab, we are passionate about empowering enthusiastic students. We offer opportunities at various academic levels, including internships, bachelor's, and master's thesis projects. Our focus on high-quality supervision means we invite you to contact us in advance to ensure the success of your project.

    We're excited to join you on your academic journey!

In our lab at Umeå University, Sweden, we aim for core values that support our team spirit. The group leader Verena Kohler is also sharing her mentoring philosophy

Lab Values and Mentoring Philosophy

A successful science journey starts with a positive environment and strong team spirit. Explore the core values that guide our lab's culture and gain insights into my mentorship approach.